Saturday 30 April 2011

Day 8 . 30.04.2011

Happy Saturday

Good news. I have a theme. It just came to me at the oddest time. I guess there is no specific time for a brainwave. I don’t think I should reveal it just yet. Infact I won’t. It’s way too early to be revealing such. I feel good again; I am on the right track. Things feel slow, but I know it should feel slow because I am only on day 8. Gemini’s are known for not being patient; therefore I have to constantly remind myself that despite the date, this is not a race. I am not competing with anyone and that I can relax.

There has been progress today. I called Robert Miller about printing and he said that he would forward me a price list. He focuses more on custom designed sizes for his clients, and so he would prefer that I call him when I am ready to print and then we can speak about prices then.

I know I will be paying a lot for these prints, because the size’s I am thinking of vary from A2 to sizes bigger than A0 (that’s a really big size). A collection of different sizes will result in varied prices which is what is needed for my market. I don’t know of many ‘young’ people who invest in art, so I am hoping after this exhibition that will all change.

Exposure gallery (in Woodstock at the Old Biscuit Mill)  is sending me a copy of their printing sizes and price’s later on today, so hopefully I can compare the two in time, and see which option works best for my pocket and my investor’s pocket.

Checking out

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